This Massachusetts Child Support Calculator uses the October 4, 2021 Massachusetts Child Support Guidelines, which are required for child support orders in MA as of October 4, 2021. It is the most user-friendly MA child support calculator on the internet. For child support court orders between June 15, 2018 and October 3, 2021, use this 2018-2021 MA Child Support Calculator.
October 2023 New Feature: This Massachusetts child support calculator now illustrates post-tax income after child support is calculated. This feature does not exist on any other MA child support calculator.
I mediate MA divorces for Worcester, Boston, Springfield, and all MA locations with online divorce mediation on Zoom. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you have about divorce mediation or uncontested divorce. You can try the most user-friendly MA alimony calculator here.
After calculating your child support, you can click the button “Save Results to Worksheet PDF” to save the results to a Child Support Guidelines Worksheet .pdf, or you can add the case name, docket number and other information to create a completely court-ready Child Support Guidelines Worksheet .pdf. The calculator can also show an approximation of each spouse’s after-tax income after paying or receiving child support..
To calculate how much child support you should pay or receive, simply fill in the following information and click “Calculate”.
The August 2022 MA Supreme Judicial Court ruling in Cavanaugh v. Cavanaugh says that judges making orders in contested (1B) cases must look not only at the result of this child support calculation, but also at child support calculations that first calculate alimony, then use the post-alimony-calculation incomes to then calculate child support. A unique Cavanagh alimony, child support, and tax consequences calculator for Massachusetts divorce on this site does the calculations that judges must consider when making orders in contested (1B) divorce cases that could involve child support.
After you have calculated your results and downloaded a court-ready .pdf, you should check your final calculations against the state court’s calculating .pdf at: MA fillable .pdf 2021 child support calculator. You may find the state court form very difficult to fill out unless you you use my website first. If you use my website and download the results as a .pdf, it will give you a guide as to how to fill out the state’s confusing version of the form. The resulting two .pdf’s should be identical.
Gross Annual Income | ||
Approximate Annual MA and Federal Taxes | ||
Annual Child Support | ||
Approximate annual income after taxes and child support |
Your guidelines child support amount is .
Enter a different support amount here, and click the CALCULATE button:
Gross Annual Income | ||
Approximate Annual MA and Federal Taxes | ||
Annual Non-guideline Support Amount Chosen by User | ||
Approximate annual income after taxes and non-guideline support amount chosen by user |
Tax calculation formulas come from the 2023-2024 calculator at:
If a parent has the child(ren) 67% of the time, that parent’s taxes are calculated as "Head of household" and the other parent’s taxes are calculated as "Single". If parenting time is 50-50, this calculator treats both parents as filing "Single".
This tax calculator will be most accurate for salaried employees who take the standard deduction and who have low pre-tax deductions on their paystub. It may be much less accurate for people who make significant 401k contributions, are self-employed, have their own business, have rental income, have investment income, etc.
This calculator does not include the Child Tax Credit, for children who are 17 or younger at the end of the tax year. These tax credits can be taken by either parent. The separation agreement should specify which parent takes which credits in which years. The amount of this credit has been $2,000 and higher per child in recent years.
This calculator does not include any Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit, and it does not include any Earned Income Tax Credit (for low- to moderate-income families).