
Divorce Mediation Blog Posts

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Massachusetts Separation Agreement Sample Template

Sample Massachusetts Separation Agreement Template .pdf In September 2024, the Massachusetts State Probate Court finally released a Massachusetts Separation Agreement Form Sample as a .pdf template...

The Value of Future Social Security Benefits in the Division of Marital Assets

The Value of Future Social Security Benefits in the Division of Marital Assets   For many divorcing couples, future social security benefits are their single greatest economic asset and the key...

How to Calculate the Present Value of your Social Security for Divorce

This post explains how to calculate the present value of future Social Security benefits. This is important for divorcing couples, because it gives them a concrete, present value for these future...

Can a Divorce Mediator Give Legal Advice?

Can a Divorce Mediator Give Legal Advice?   No! Yes! “Can a divorce mediator give legal advice” is a trick question because “legal advice” has two entirely different meanings. This...

How to Choose a Divorce Mediator in Massachusetts

How to Choose a Divorce Mediator in Massachusetts   Your goal is to choose a divorce attorney mediator who excels at the three things a mediator does: The mediator manages interpersonal relations...

Pros and Cons of Divorce Mediation in Massachusetts

Pros and Cons of Divorce Mediation in Massachusetts Many blogposts will list the benefits of divorce mediation, but this page also lists the most important cons. More importantly, it tells you how to...

Combined alimony and child support orders and after-tax income in Massachusetts divorce

Combined alimony and child support orders and after-tax income in Massachusetts divorce   The purpose of this blog post is to illustrate a series of alimony, child support, and after-tax income...

Divorce Mediation Checklist

Divorce mediation checklist: How to Prepare for Divorce Mediation   1) The first checklist item for preparing for divorce mediation is: Relax     By choosing divorce mediation instead...
