2018 to 2021 MA Child Support Calculator

Old 2018-2021 Massachusetts Child Support Calculator

This Child Support Calculator was  for court ordered child support between June 15, 2018 and October 3, 2021. For court orders starting October 4, 2021 you should use this current child support calculator.

I mediate MA divorces for Worcester, Boston, Springfield, and all MA locations with online divorce mediation on Zoom.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions you have about divorce mediation or uncontested divorce. You can try the most user-friendly MA alimony calculator here.

After calculating your child support, you can click the button “Save Results to Worksheet PDF” to save the results to a Child Support Guidelines Worksheet .pdf, or you can add the case name, docket number and other information to create a completely  court-ready Child Support Guidelines Worksheet .pdf.

If you find that changing childcare and health care costs affects the overall child support amount for June 15, 2018 to October 3, 2021 child support orders in strange ways, you might consider consulting this Deviation Calculator.

To calculate the standard amount of child support you would have paid or received for orders between June 15, 2018 and October 3, 2021, simply fill in the following information and click “Calculate”.

d)   Which of the following three choices is closest to describing the amount of time the children spend with each parent? Indicate the amount of time that the child spends with each parent by choosing from among 4 choices: about 50% time with each parent, about 1/3 of the time with you and 2/3 of the time with your spouse, about 2/3 of the time with you and 1/3 of the time with your spouse, or (less common) “split” custody, in which different children have primary residence with different parents. Choose the one that is closest to your situation.
  About 67% with Petitioner A and 33% with Petitioner B
  About 50% of the time with each parent
  About 67% with Petitioner B and 33% with Petitioner A
  (Less common) There is more than one child covered by the order, and each parent provides a primary residence for at least one child (different children have different primary residences)
You have indicated that 1 or more children primarily reside with Petitioner A and 1 or more children primarily reside with Petitioner B
b-1) Indicate how many children under 18 primarily reside with Petitioner A and how many with Petitioner B:
c-1) Indicate how many children 18 and 23 who receive child support primarily reside with Petitioner A and how many with Petitioner B:
e)   Enter a weekly dollar amount for the following income and expenses:
Gross weekly income  Enter the gross weekly income for each parent. Gross weekly income is the total amount BEFORE taxes and other deductions are made from your paycheck.:
Child Care cost each week  Enter the weekly amount paid by each spouse for child care.:
Health Insurance cost each week  Enter the amount paid by each spouse for family and for individual health care insurance each week.:
Dental/Vision cost each week  Enter the amount paid by each spouse weekly toward the child’s vision or dental insurance. (It can be difficult to separate this out from family vision and dental, since it is typically paid together.):
Weekly alimony or child support paid out to a previous marriage  If either of you pays alimony to a previous spouse or if either of you pays out child support for a child from a previous relationship or marriage, enter the weekly paid out in that person’s column.:



Enter any of the following information that you would like to appear on the Worksheet .pdf:

Case Name:
Docket Number:
Date Prepared:
Name of Preparer:
The numbering and description of each line below come directly from the Massachusetts Probate Court's June 15, 2018 Child Support Guidelines Worksheet. You can save the results of your calculation into a court-ready Child Support Guidelines Worksheet by clicking on the "SAVE RESULTS TO WORKHEET PDF" button above.
Below are the calculations that lead to the child support amount. The numbering and description of each line come directly from the Massachusetts Probate Court's CHILD SUPPORT GUIDELINES WORKSHEET, which is a required document for child support and divorce cases. Because you indicated that each parent will have the children about 50% of the time, you will see two sets of calculations. The first one calculates child support as if had most of the parenting time, and the second one calculates child support as if had most of the parenting time. The actual presumptive ("expected") payment in this 50-50 custody situation is the mathematical difference between the two calculated amounts, with the higher income spouse (typically) paying this difference. This calculation is shown at the bottom of the page.
a. Number of children who may be eligible to be covered by this order
b. The box that applies to the children listed in 1(a).
Parent A
Parent B
c. Parents' names
d. Number of children under age 18
e. Number of children 18 years or older who may be eligible to be covered by this order
f. Total number of children to be covered by this order
a. Gross weekly income
b. Minus Child care cost paid
c. Minus Health care cost paid
d. Minus Dental/vision insurance cost paid
e. Minus Other support obligations paid
f. Available Income
g. Combined Available Income
h. Share of combined available income
a. Applicable available income
b. Support amount for one child
c. Adjustment for number and ages of children covered by this order
d. Combined support amount
a. Adjustment percentage for the ages of the children listed in 1(d) and 1(e)
b. Adjustments for children 18 years or older
c. Adjusted combined support amount
Parent A

Parent B

a. Minus Each parent's share of support
b. Other parent's share of support
c. Support at % of each parent's available income
d. Other parent's adjusted share of support
e. Recipient and Payor
f. Payor's net share of support
a. Child care and health care cost paid
b. Payor's share of Recipient's cost
c. Minus Recipient's share of Payor's cost
d. Payor's net cost
e. Maximum adjustment amount
f. Adjustment applied to order
g. Adjustment applied to order
h. Payor's adjusted share of support
a. Support as % of Recipient's available income
b. Payor's final support obligation
Weekly Child Support Payment from Parent to Parent
a. Combined additional income
b. Share of combined additional income